Onur Capar

Attorney Onur Capar combines core legal competences with linguistic and human proximity. A crucial aspect of his professional development has always been internationality. The ability to communicate in multiple languages enables him to understand clients from different cultural backrounds and meet their needs optimally. His extensive experience and cross-regional activities have inspired Attorney Capar to build the Capar Law Firm on the core values of professional competence, individuality and personal service.

Onur Capar completed his studies at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster. There, he majored in criminology with exceptional success.

He began his practice career in a renowned commercial law firm in Düsseldorf, where he acquired sound experience and legal knowledge in various areas of civil law. He learned to consider the economic needs of clients as well as the search for the quickest and most favourable way to succesfully end lawsuits.

Afterwards, Onur Capar moved to a distinguished law firm for commercial law and criminal tax law in Hamburg. In this phase of his career, he deepened his knowledge of criminal procedural law and handled international mandates in English.

His last position before founding Capar Law Firm was with a nationally known and respected law firm in Bocholt, specialized in the area of business reorganisation and restructuring. There, in addition to business knowledge, he learned above all how to develop customised solutions for the special needs of people in existential distress.

In 2023, Attorney Onur Capar founded the Capar Law Firm.

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